D 1913, D, SC Urban Gad, C Emil Schünemann, Guido Seeber, Karl Freund, P Paul Davidson for Projektions AG »Union« (PAGU), Berlin, Cast Asta Nielsen, Max Landa, Mary Scheller, Adele Reuter-Eichberg, Fred Immler, Charly Berger, Print b/w, Blu-ray from 35mm, 60 min, silent, Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek

„Asta Nielsen depicts all the stages of her spiritual condition in this play. From the cheerful, larksome young girl returning to her parental home (…) to the mature woman hurling defiance at her father with a decisive No! In the assembly she swears an oath, completes her baptism by fire as she demolishes windowpanes armed with a hammer, then finally lands in prison. (…) Asta Nielsen performs this pantomime with consummate skill.“ (Christian Arp, Erste Internationale Film-Zeitung, 1913). The protagonists are based on British suffragettes Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel Pankhurst. Bavarian censors only approved a version that had been shortened by 136 metres, leading Urban Gad to pull the film from release in Bavaria.

amer. American English
b/w Black and white
OV Original version
SUB Subtitles
+SUB electronic live subtitling (below the image)
INT Intertitles
AT Austria
FRG Federal Republic of Germany (historic)
BLR Belarus
DE Germany
CAN Canada
GDR German Democratic Republic (historic)
EGY Egypt
FR France
GB Great Britain
URY Uruguay
BRA Brasil
SWE Sweden
UKR Ukraine
PL Poland
IDN Indonesia
PRT Portugal
HRV Croatia
ECU Ecuador
HUN Hungary
AUS Australia
IT Italy
MEX Mexico
IND India
Film presentation:
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