F 1979, D Sylvina Boissonnas, Claudine Mulard, SC Claudine Mulard, C Sylvina Boissonnas, Michelle Muller, Sylviane Rey, E, S Michelle Muller, P Des Femmes Filment, Print colour, 16mm, 13 min, French and Persian OV with electronic German SUB, AFDI Archiv für Forschung und Dokumentation Iran-Berlin e.V.
In 1979, Iranian Women invite the American feminist Kate Millett to celebrate March 8, the International Women's Day, in Tehran. On March 7, the religious leaders announce that women have to wear the Islamic veil. From March 8 to March 13, women and liberals demonstrate in the streets against the veil. A crew of four French feminists filmed these historical events before being expelled by the mullahs. (Claudine Mulard)
Acronyms | |
amer. | American English |
b/w | Black and white |
OV | Original version |
SUB | Subtitles |
+SUB | electronic live subtitling (below the image) |
INT | Intertitles |
Countries | |
AT | Austria |
FRG | Federal Republic of Germany (historic) |
BLR | Belarus |
DE | Germany |
CAN | Canada |
GDR | German Democratic Republic (historic) |
EGY | Egypt |
FR | France |
GB | Great Britain |
URY | Uruguay |
BRA | Brasil |
SWE | Sweden |
UKR | Ukraine |
PL | Poland |
IDN | Indonesia |
PRT | Portugal |
HRV | Croatia |
ECU | Ecuador |
HUN | Hungary |
AUS | Australia |
IT | Italy |
MEX | Mexico |
IND | India |