GB 1987 | Director: Sandra Lahire | Colour | digital | 16 min | english OV | LUX
Lahire's Anti-Nuclear Trilogy weaves a web between anti-nuclear movements in different regions of the world; refusing the narrowness that infected British film in the 1980s, her films instead capture the many fires that were started in the ruts and tracks of centuries of British imperialism.
Acronyms | |
amer. | American English |
b/w | Black and white |
OV | Original version |
SUB | Subtitles |
+SUB | electronic live subtitling (below the image) |
INT | Intertitles |
Countries | |
AT | Austria |
FRG | Federal Republic of Germany (historic) |
BLR | Belarus |
DE | Germany |
CAN | Canada |
GDR | German Democratic Republic (historic) |
EGY | Egypt |
FR | France |
GB | Great Britain |
URY | Uruguay |
BRA | Brasil |
SWE | Sweden |
UKR | Ukraine |
PL | Poland |
IDN | Indonesia |
PRT | Portugal |
HRV | Croatia |
ECU | Ecuador |
HUN | Hungary |
AUS | Australia |
IT | Italy |
MEX | Mexico |
IND | India |