GB 1913, P Pathé Frères Cinema, Print b/w, digital, 1 min, silent, BFI National Archive

This Pathé newsreel captures the aftermath of a demonstration by the WSPU [Women's Social and Political Union] in Trafalgar Square on 27 July 1913. Led by militant suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst, the event triggered a riot in Whitehall when Pankhurst, according to the Times, 'concluded a violent harangue by suggesting that the crowd should go in a body to the residence of the Prime Minister‘. (Simon McCallum, Make More Noise! Suffragettes in Silent Film)

amer. American English
b/w Black and white
OV Original version
SUB Subtitles
+SUB electronic live subtitling (below the image)
INT Intertitles
AT Austria
FRG Federal Republic of Germany (historic)
BLR Belarus
DE Germany
CAN Canada
GDR German Democratic Republic (historic)
EGY Egypt
FR France
GB Great Britain
URY Uruguay
BRA Brasil
SWE Sweden
UKR Ukraine
PL Poland
IDN Indonesia
PRT Portugal
HRV Croatia
ECU Ecuador
HUN Hungary
AUS Australia
IT Italy
MEX Mexico
IND India
Film presentation:
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