In the Company of Others:
Closeness, Responsibility and Solidarity in Film
A publication on
Remake. Frankfurt Women’s Film Days 2023
Edited by Gaby Babić, Sarah Happersberger and Heide Schlüpmann
Kinothek Asta Nielsen. e.V.
- History and Present
- In the Cinema
- CHAOS FILM Hildegard Westbeld
- Edith Marcello
Sabine Hartung
Print and Manufacturing
Druckerei E. Sauerland, Gelnhausen
First Edition, Frankfurt am Main 2023
ISBN 978-3-00-077335-8
... weil nur zählt, was Geld einbringt
...It Only Counts if it Brings in Money
A publication on
Remake. Frankfurt Women’s Film Days 2021
Edited by Gaby Babić and Heide Schlüpmann
in collaboration with Andrea Haller
Kinothek Asta Nielsen. e.V.
- History and Present
- In the Cinema
- Feminale / Femme Totale
- Frieda Grafe
Sabine Hartung
Print and Manufacturing
Druckerei E. Sauerland, Gelnhausen
First Edition, Frankfurt am Main 2021
ISBN 978-3-00-070348-5
Views of History
A publication on
Remake. Frankfurt Women’s Film Days 2019
Edited by Karola Gramann and Heide Schlüpmann
in collaboration with Andrea Haller
Kinothek Asta Nielsen. e.V.
- History–Herstory
- In the Cinema: Telling Stories, Documenting Events
- KIWI – Kino Women International
- Ella Bergmann-Michel – Filmmaker and Activist
Sabine Hartung
Print and Manufacturing
Berthold Druck Offenbach am Main
First Edition, Frankfurt am Main 2019
ISBN 978-3-00-063863-3
Zu Wort kommen
Speaking up
A publication on
Remake. Frankfurt Women’s Film Days 2018
Edited by Heide Schlüpmann and Andrea Haller
Kinothek Asta Nielsen. e.V.
in collaboration with Karola Gramann
- The Right to the Cinema
- Female Voice
- We’re Making the History of Our Madness
- Edinburgh ’72
- Recha Jungmann
Sabine Hartung
Print and Manufacturing
Berthold Druck Offenbach am Main
First Edition 2018
ISBN 978-3-00-060115-6
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