USA 1970, D, SC Barbara Loden, C, E Nicholas S. Proferes, M Dave Mullaney, S Lars Hedman, Richard Vorisek, Dick Vorisek, Harvey Greenstein, L Lars Hedman, P Barbara Loden, Harry Shuster, Cast Michael Higgins, Barbara Loden, Frank Jourdano, Valerie Manches, Dorothy Shupenes, Peter Shupenes, Jerome Thier, Marian Thier, Anthony Rotell, M. L. Kennedy, Print colour, 35mm, 105 min, English OV with electronic German SUB, Arsenal - Institut für Film und Videokunst, Berlin

Introduction by Elena Baumeister and Jan Wetzel

A pioneer female filmmaker, Loden was working without a net, without role models, without a network of female collaborators (‘sisterhood’ was not invented then), in a void. Of her lonely fight, we know practically nothing […], so it is in the fictions she wrote we must look for her true voice. Apart from the difficult-to-see Wanda, her work has disappeared or is not available. No wonder women’s lives are often no more than “a little line scratched on the tablets of history.” So it is to Wanda that I’ll turn again, as a story of the sentimental education of a woman, who, despite the differences of name, age, class or ethnic background, could be Barbara Loden, or you, or me. (Bérénice Reynaud, The Last Great American Picture Show, 1995)

amer. American English
b/w Black and white
OV Original version
SUB Subtitles
+SUB electronic live subtitling (below the image)
INT Intertitles
AT Austria
FRG Federal Republic of Germany (historic)
BLR Belarus
DE Germany
CAN Canada
GDR German Democratic Republic (historic)
EGY Egypt
FR France
GB Great Britain
URY Uruguay
BRA Brasil
SWE Sweden
UKR Ukraine
PL Poland
IDN Indonesia
PRT Portugal
HRV Croatia
ECU Ecuador
HUN Hungary
AUS Australia
IT Italy
MEX Mexico
IND India
Film presentation:
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