BRD 1982 | Regie, Buch, Kamera, Schnitt: Elfi Mikesch | Darsteller*innen: Sheila McLaughlin, Gary Schneider, Thelma Abascal, Heinz Emigholz | Ton: Anke-Rixa Hansen | Produktion: Oh Muvie Film | 20 min | DCP | s/w | dt. OV | Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek
She begins a journey through the night.
An empty compartment.
She closes the window. The train leaves.
She carefully places her wristwatch on the folding table.
Her suitcase is still on the opposite seat.
She begins to read a letter.
When a stranger enters the compartment and takes a seat,
the traveller's memories
of previous encounters with a man
and the image of the stranger in the compartment
combine into fantasies of pleasurable pain
that has long since become reality.
A habit.
Encounters without contact,
full of cruelty and danger in the pleasure of lingering.
The blue distance between two people.
Or the blue distance to oneself.
(Production notes, catalogue 13. internationales forum des jungen films, 1983)

Abkürzungen | |
DF | deutsche Fassung |
s/w | schwarz-weiß |
OV | Originalversion |
UT | Untertitel |
+UT | elektronische Live-Untertitelung (unterhalb des Bildes) |
ZT | Zwischentitel |
Länder | |
AT | Österreich |
BRD | Bundesrepublik Deutschland (historisch) |
BLR | Belarus |
DE | Deutschland |
CAN | Kanada |
DDR | Deutsche Demokratische Republik (historisch) |
EGY | Ägypten |
FR | Frankreich |
GB | Großbritannien |
URY | Uruguay |
BRA | Brasilien |
SWE | Schweden |
UKR | Ukraine |
PL | Polen |
IDN | Indonesien |
PRT | Portugal |
HRV | Kroatien |
ECU | Ecuador |
HUN | Ungarn |
AUS | Australien |
IT | Italien |
MEX | Mexiko |
IND | Indien |